Showing 3 Result(s)

Community of Practice: Higher Education’s Big Rethink

In Summer 2020, I participated in the Learning, Design and Technology (LDT) programs’ community of practice, Higher Education’s Big Rethink. The Big Rethink is an experiential learning initiative that connects students, faculty, and alumni with the wider higher education community to explore the most pressing questions and themes shaping the future of higher education. The …

Faculty Development: MAERES Online Teaching Workshops

Overview In Summer 2020, I designed and facilitated a series of workshops to support CERES faculty who were moving their courses online for Fall 2020. This series was offered alongside a range of other resources for instructional continuity and the move to online teaching and learning at Georgetown. Goals Structure I surveyed our faculty members …

Integrating Career Preparation in Graduate Programs: MAERES Internship Tutorial

In my first semester of the Learning, Design and Technology program, I had the opportunity to re-design the internship tutorial for students in the MA in Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies (MAERES) as my learning engagement for LDES 501: Methods of Learning and Design. The course needed a complete overhaul to meet new Graduate …
