Showing 3 Result(s)

Designing a College for Military Students: Kratos College

Overview For this project, I explored what it might look like to create a college designed specifically to meet the needs of active duty servicemembers and veterans. As part of this design process, I created an admissions brochure for my imagined university. Design Context The year is 2030. The world is experiencing worsening impacts of …

Art and Enduring Meaning: Remembering Together

Overview For this prototype I wanted to explore what it could look like to facilitate a broad-based initial engagement following the Remember This: The Lesson of Jan Karski play that would allow as many audience members as possible to share their reflections and reactions in a semi-structured way. I decided to pursue the theme of …

Integrating Career Preparation in Graduate Programs: MAERES Internship Tutorial

In my first semester of the Learning, Design and Technology program, I had the opportunity to re-design the internship tutorial for students in the MA in Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies (MAERES) as my learning engagement for LDES 501: Methods of Learning and Design. The course needed a complete overhaul to meet new Graduate …
