Showing 3 Result(s)

Designing a College for Military Students: Kratos College

Overview For this project, I explored what it might look like to create a college designed specifically to meet the needs of active duty servicemembers and veterans. As part of this design process, I created an admissions brochure for my imagined university. Design Context The year is 2030. The world is experiencing worsening impacts of …

Izba Tiny House & Permaculture Project

Izba is an experiment in sustainable living and an exercise in permaculture design. In Russian, an изба is a traditional peasant dwelling, a sort of log cabin. Latest Posts

Speculative Play: making do / making joy

My speculative play for this project was focused on re-imagining what we teach, learn, and value in higher education, shifting to place more value on knowledge and skills gained through lived experience and particularly emphasizing the teaching and learning of crip science, survivor skills, and care work. As I started, I had a couple of …
